What a whirlwind! So Baby Baker #2 has arrived and I have been submersed in the world of all things little. It has struck me that there are a few things I couldn't live without at this point. In particular, I wish I would have had these things with Kellen. In no particular order:
The Happiest Baby on the Block Book- we are true believers in the 5 s's (again, majorly wish I had this with Kellen!)
Next up- The Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. Easy to keep next to the bed, keeps baby propped, especially after eating. When I think of how many nights we slept sitting up with Kellen's reflux and ear issues I could cry all over only now it would be a cry of joy that the Rock and Play is here!
And last but not least- the Miracle Blanket! Swaddling made easy! It is like my own drug. We go from crying to quiet in about 10 seconds flat. And my sanity stays in tact!

I'm reminded even in the haze of infant life just how fast this will all go. And I am desperately trying to remind myself to breathe and enjoy every squirm, cry, coo, poo, and grab. I know they'll soon be replaced by walking, talking, playing, and independence from Mommy.